The results are in....

This is a report of the last week.

Wednesday was the day of the biopsy. So I go to the hospital and get taken back to the radiology department/ultrasound room. The tech comes in and explains the process and we get started. They gave me a few shots to numb my neck and then using a needle went into the nodules. They used 3 needles for each nodule. They didn't just stick the needle in, they jabbed it in and out 4-5 times per needle. The worst part was that in order to do the biopsy they had to also do an ultrasound at the same time to see where to put the needle. So not only could I feel the pressure but I could see the needle inside of me at the same time. The lab guy was in the room and after each needle would take the sample to prepare the slides to be read. The process only took about 30 minutes but felt like FOREVER! My neck and throat have been sore ever since.

Thursday-waiting, waiting, waiting....

Friday -I received a call from my Dr. and was told that the nodules were Malignant. I have papillary thyroid cancer. The weirdest part of the whole thing is that I haven't gotten emotional over this. (not yet at least). After I had the original ultrasound I was scared and didn't know what to expect. I had my dad & Travis give me a blessing. After the blessing I really felt like this would be the outcome. So far I am at peace with the diagnosis, but still there is alot of unknown. I meet with a surgeon on Tuesday morning and will know more then. Travis and I decided we needed alone adult time and we got a babysitter and went to dinner. It was good to have a break for a minute and really talk to each other about the situation. We still have so many questions and hopefully Tuesday we will have answers.

Saturday- I went Women's conference with my mom and Angelee. Afterwards we met up with Janae and we all went out the dinner. We haven't had a girl day like this in months. It was so much fun to be with my family and just have fun.

Sunday-I will be going to church in about an hour and I can't believe how fast word gets around this ward. My phone has been ringing off the hook and everyone seems to know my situation. I still haven't cried over the whole thing. Maybe I'm in denial or maybe as my sister Angelee put it, Heavenly Father is helping me stay strong, either way I still feel okay about the situation/diagnosis.
I'm really anxious for my appointment on Tuesday and will hopefully get all my questions answered and know more of what to expect. Anyway I will update again after my appointment on Tuesday.
Thanks again for all the love and support!!


Misty Anderson said…
Melinda sorry to hear your troubles. you are a super strong person and have always been an example to me. I know you will get through this. If you need anything let me know. My sister had cancer twice.
Ali said…
Wow Melinda. I am sorry about your diagnosis, but I amazed by your strength. You are in my prayers and thoughts.
Johnson Family said…
Be strong. Good luck and keep us informed of anything your family needs. I will keep you in my prayers.
Texas Birds said…
You are an amazing woman! I have known you for "YEARS" and if any one is strong enough to get through this, it's you. I have been studying the atonement a lot lately and I think the peace and comfort it has brought me would definitely help you and your family. Turn to the Lord, trust Him, rely on Him and have Faith! We'll pray for you and your family! We love you!
Delia D'Nell said…
Melinda, that is completely crazy. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Let me know if there is anything I can do...and I am serious, anything at all...
Marleepatts said…
You are so strong-you know me I don't think that I would have stopped crying. Be sure to lean on all of us in the young women and not try to do things that you can't. Also, anytime you need a dinner brought in tell me-you know that I like to cook.
Jennifer said…
I'm sorry about your diagnosis, but I know that you are a strong person. If anyone can get through this, it would be you! I hope you know that I will help you in any way possibe...please don't hesitate to call. My Aunt and my cousin both had the same thing, and now they are both doing great! If you want to talk to either of them about it, let me know and I will get you their e-mail or phone #'s! We love you!
lady said…
Oh Melinda I'm sorry to hear that it is cancer. I'm going to have to google it now and read up on it. hmmmm, chocolate chip cookies probably aren't strong enough for this....I'd hit Travis up for a trip to Hawaii or something! It's worth a try...tell him their water is magic water! You know I love you and am praying for you. Always know I am here and hear for you!!!! Stay strong! LOVE YOU.

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