Curly Hair!!

Well last night I decided to put Hannah's hair in sponge curlers. I'm usually not that ambitious especially late at night when I'm ready for the kids to be in bed.

Parker thought Hannah's hair looked quite cool.
Hannah not too sure about all the "bumpy things" as she called them.
We took them out this morning & this is what we saw.
After we tried to style it.

Hannah loved her curly hair today. She already told me that we can do it again tonight.


Misty Anderson said…
I love it! She is so cute. You are so lucky to have a girl to do her hair!
Marleepatts said…
That is so adorable someday Tenley will actually have some hair fo r me to do!
Meemaw said…
She looks like Shirley Temple Dad and I were just looking at this and it we couldn't even stand it. She is so dang cute!!!
As I alwasy tell her she is sooooo Beautiful.
love you
Take care of yourself put ice packs on your neck. Stay lying down, let Travis baby you (and anyone else that wants too) stop saying everything is fine. People love you, it sucks right now and that is okay to say that and feel that. But amidst it all you also can know that you are loved and your Father in Heaven knows you and what you can handle.

I love you!!

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