Memory Post

I found this on a friends blogs, and thought it would be fun.

The Memory Post.
1. As a comment on my blog, leave a memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you know me a little or a lot, anything you remember! If we're only blogging friends, write about a post that is the most memorable for you.
2. Next, if you feel so inclined, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. If you leave a memory about me, I'll be sure to write one about you...!
3. If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. ☺ And please do this on your page, too, so we can all share in the fun times together. :)

I love Comments!!!


Hello yes I do remember you! How are you all doing? How did you find this blog? Tater is doing ok We will see what her teacher thinks of how things are going. I am trying to just be on top of all the concerns before they become problems! Well we are in West Jordan now. I look forward to hearing from you!
Kellie Glade said…
Memories, memories...After becoming good friends with your brother Kevin first and then your sister Janae...I of course had to get to know you as a good friend as well :) I look back when I was younger and thought I was such a punk little kid. I sure gave my parents a good run for their money, but luckily my brother McKay has taken over now. I remember you most during our good ol' Junior High days at Kearns. Riding together in the morning, eating lunch, and talking about our latest crushes after school. Funny...I married one of my Junior High crushes :) Just remember though...You'll always be a B.U.M and never a P.U.N.K to me. Good times!
Anonymous said…
So many memories!! I love the ones where we were hanging out after school and going toilet papering with your mom. But one of my favorite ones was when we hung out the weekend of the NBA Jam, remember? EVERYONE else got to go except for us and we had a sleep over and just hung out. We tried to make the best of it! I was so glad that I wasn't the only one that didn't get to go! I'm sure that it was totally lame anyway! :)
Meemaw said…
I remember when you stuck a pinto bean up your nose and the wonderful mother that I am sucked it out. Funny now but very scarey then.
I love you
Danielle said…
I am so happy you found me. I am not very good at this blogging stuff so I have no idea how you found me. Your family is so cute. I hope maybe we can catch up sometime. take carre danielle peterson millet
Misty Anderson said…
Oh my heck Melinda, I am so glad you found my blog we have to get together sometime. cute family!
Lisa M said…
Melinda it is so good to see you and your family. They are adorable.
Jennifer said…
I have too many memories to write down...the first thing I thought of was playing NEC (Nintendo Entertainment Center) in your basement! Angelee totally made fun of us, but we didn't care. We were "helping" people with their problems, duh!! AND I remember when we were making cookies and the mixer fell into the sink, that was full of water, and you got shocked. Then we had to go get Sarah Meier to get it out for us. She just unplugged it and then took it out! Why didn't we think of that??? Of course there were a MILLION more, but I can't write them all!
Delia D'Nell said…
Melinda! I am so glad you found my blog. The memory that makes me laugh is when Gwen had a dream about you that you would name your first baby romanca or something dumb like that. Good times.

Hey, email me at dnell_gillespie at
{M}PG said…
Melinda - it was good to hear from you. Your kids are so cute! Keep in touch!! I know we had a bunch of memories in all the school that we went to together. I just remember your laugh and always being funny - and you and Jenny were always together. I don't have a very good memory of the past, but I know you were a good friend!
Joanne said…
Melinda, when I think of you I always think of your beautiful hair and that you have a great laugh and look at all the fun and funny things in life. I also remember that you were obsessed with the movie 10 things I hate about you (which is a funny movie) and having that mystery dinner at your apartment, that was lots of fun.

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