Surgery date scheduled

Well I went to the Surgeon today & Both nodules are Malignant. He said that the one on the right is the size of a ping pong ball & the other is the size of a olive or a grape. I will be having a total Thyroidectomy on October 10th. It is an inpatient surgery and I will have to stay anywhere from 1-5 days depending on how well my body is handling the situation. About 4 weeks after the surgery I will have to have a radiation treatment. I don't have alot of details on that because I will have to go to a different Dr. for that procedure.

So that's the situation. At least I now have a date and kind of know what to expect. So life as usual for another 1 1/2 weeks I guess.

Thanks again for all the emails, posts, & prayers. It means alot to me and my family that there are so many people thinking about & praying for us. Our lives truly have been blessed & will continue to be blessed. THANKS!!!


Jennifer said…
OK, I know you have family all over, but can I help you out?? I would love to do something, even bring dinner or watch your kids. Let me know! OR I will call you!
Anonymous said…
I'm sure it is good to know now what the plan is and what to expect. My Aunt Cindy had the same thing several years ago and she hasn't had a problem since. I wish I lived closer so I could do something for you! You know if you ever need anything I will be on the next plane to Salt Lake! We love you and are praying for you!
Lisa M said…
Wow, I can't believe you are experience all of this. Again our thoughts and prayers are with you.

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