"1st Bee Sting"

On Saturday afternoon Parker was outside playing and for the most part of this summer we haven't seen too many bees around, until this past week. Parker was out in the back yard playing and the next thing I hear is him screaming and banging on the back door. He then went on to tell me that he saw a bee and that he stepped on him and the bee hurt him. Sure enough the Bee had stung him on the bottom of his foot. I went to get something to clean his foot off and I found Parker taking a picture of his foot. He had to show everyone the picture of his Bee sting.

The bee sting is right below his big toe.
The funny thing about it is that after he took the picture he said it felt better. Who knew digital camera's had that kind of power.


Lisa M said…
Bee stings hurt, on your foot I would think hurt more. Great thing for digital technology to make it all better.
Justin said…
Well HEELLLOOOO!!!! How are you guy? Thanks for visiting our blog... well this is Melissa's blog really she just lets me read it;) We are hoping to see you guys soon.

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