
Well here is a brief update since surgery. I went in on Friday at 8:00am & they wheeled my away to surgery at about 9am. Travis didn't hear anything till a little after 12:00. Surgery went well & I was admitted to the hospital to keep watch on my calcium levels. I was in quite a bit of pain this day & was loving the pain meds & slept a lot. Saturday was a better day, I was still in a lot of pain but was able to get up and walk around, shower and feel somewhat better, but still had low calcium levels. Sunday I was hoping to be told I could go home but my calcium levels still were too low. I have to share a few pics that were taken Sunday.

!!WARNING!! they are kind of yucky!!

This shows the incision/Drain that was in my neck.
Here is a closer view. (it really hurt)

I had to throw in this pic that Travis took as he left our house Sunday morning to come up to the hospital. Yes we had the hugest snowstorm on OCTOBER 12th.

So by Sunday night my calcium levels weren't great but the Doctor released me from the hospital at 9pm & told me to come back to get my blood checked again on Monday. Monday was the worst day yet. I couldn't keep anything down food, water, pain meds, NOTHING! I was miserable & to top it off so was my calcium levels. So today I went in again to get my calcium checked & the Dr was able to take the drain out of my neck

The long white part (which measured about 5 in.) was in my neck. It feels much better to get that out. But here I sit 9:00pm and I just received a call from my Dr. & my calcium levels are still not good. I have to go in again tomorrow. (When I talk about getting my calcium levels being checked it means having blood drawn, which anyone that knows me knows I hate needles. I hate needles even more after this week. Having surgery+IV's+ my calcium levels have been checked at least 2x's a day=Lots of needles.)

So hopefully the worst part is over. Thanks again to everyone for your words of support, your prayers, your meals, flowers, phone calls, emails, messages, everything. I truly have been blessed.


Lisa M said…
Wow! I am glad that at least the surgery part is over. Hopefully you will be able to keep things down real soon.
Misty Anderson said…
Yikes! Poor girl. It looks like you did a great job! Good luck in your recovery! How is your family doing?
Marleepatts said…
I am glad that you are feeling better I think that I just passed out as I read this.
Anonymous said…
I'm so glad that you were able to post an update- I have been wondering how it all went. I hope that you start feeling better soon!
Kellie Glade said…
Thanks for the update. I hope your calcium levels get where they are supposed to be. Get healing and feeling better my friend. Love ya!
Emily said…
Miss Melinda,

I hope you are doing well it sounds like you did great. Feel better!

lady said…
so glad to hear an update....and even more thankful that everything went well.....now just get those calcium levels up! Now for the pictures.....awww Melinda....i'm so sorry....looks painful. Happy Healing! Hey, did you ever get a commitment from Travis on that Hawaii thing?!
Paige said…
Melinda, wow i'm so glad to hear from you. I can't believe your surgery, that's big deal. My Mom had that same surgery about 6 months ago. I'm glad to see that your are doing well I'll will keep you in my thoughts and prayers and hope all stays on the ups. It really was fun to see you on my blog and I would really like to keep in touch with you. send me your email my email is tutz07@gmail.com.
Unknown said…
I hope things are still going okay for you, and that recovery will be fast! We're thinking about and praying for you! :)

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