Dairy Farm

Today I went with Hannah and her preschool class on a field trip to a dairy farm. It was more fun than I thought it would be. It was very STINKY, but it was amazing to see all the cows at their varying ages, 1day old to 12yrs old. The new little baby cows were so cute. If you put your hand near them they would suck on it like a binkie, it felt weird but of course I had to try it. Hannah wouldn't do it though, but she loved all the cows.
Amber & Hannah
Hannah looking at all the cows.,

These were some of the baby cows.

All the kids. (This is 2 neighborhood preschool groups combined.)

The milking room.
Hannah loved to pet the cows.


Emery's said…
You amaze me Melinda! I would still be in bed trying to recover from surgery. I am glad that everything went well with your surgery. You are in our prayers. By the way I think that I am with Hannah and would not put my hand in a cows mouth either. Yuck!
Jen B. said…
I'm glad that your recovery is going well.
Looks like you and Hannah enjoyed yourselves at the dairy farm. By the way, where is this dairy farm and are they open to the public. Looks like a fun place for kids to visit.
Lisa M said…
So fun. What a great activity.
Kellie Glade said…
How fun! I heard from Yas that you are recovering like a champ. That is great news! Where is this Dairy Farm? I think both Yas and my daughter would like going there...even if it does smell. :)
Mackey Family said…
The Dairy Farm in West of Ogden I'm not sure the name of the city. It is a private farm that a friend in my ward's family owns. She gave a tour since she grew up there, nothing too formal. I'm not sure if they are open to public tours. I'll ask her.

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