Pink Eye!!

Well this has been quite the last week. Hannah got sick with a barking cough & fever last thursday and was sick through yesterday. Then Parker came home from school yesterday and said his eyes hurt and that he was sick and needed to go to sleep. He fell asleep for a few hours and woke up with a fever of 101. Then to top it all off I woke up today with PINK EYE! I have NEVER had pink eye so we went to the Dr's to confirm what it was and yes both Parker and I have PINK EYE! Well hopefully we are gonna get rid of this sickness. As a mom it is not fun having your kids sick, but even worse is when you are sick along with them.
Mom's shouldn't be allowed to get sick EVER!


Anonymous said…
I remember having pink eye in high school-it sucked! I didn't even have to deal with sick kids either. You are amazing!

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