Thanks for your prayers!

Thank you everyone for your prayers and your messages of concern. My sister Janae is doing better. They were able to take her off the ventilator yesterday afternoon. She is still in ICU and will probably be in the hospital at least 4 more days. She was finally able to talk yesterday and was very emotional about the situation. She said that before they put her on the ventilator she really thought she was going to die, she couldn't breathe anymore and didn't know what to do. I can't even imagine the feelings of suffocation she must have felt.

So she's still in ICU but she is breathing on her own with the help of an oxygen mask. I know that all of our prayers were answered. She still has a way to go but things are looking alot better than they were Sunday.

Thanks again for your prayers and concern. It's great to have friends and family you can rely on in situations like this. Thanks again!


Jennifer said…
I am so glad. My mom said she has been thinking about her lately. Do they know why she was having such a hard time?? It's crazy, but hopefully the worst is over. Give her a big hug for all of us.
Mackey Family said…
They don't know what brought this on. She's been having a hard time with her asthma lately & they were talking about changing her meds. She was getting a cold and whenever she gets sick her asthma gets really bad. Hopefully they can get her on some stronger medicine so this won't happen again.

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