Funny things kids say

A few weeks ago we were driving down the street and were at a stop light. Hannah who loves to have her window down was right next to a man in a jeep that was puffing away on a cigarette. Hannah in her very LOUD voice yells, "Mommy this man is stinky" of course he looked over at us, but I couldn't help but laugh.
One of the other things that we have tried to talk to our kids about is tattoos. My siblings have tattoos and we have tried to tell our kids that they (the tattoos) are not good for our bodies and that we should not get them cause they hurt our bodies. So the other day we were waiting at the train stop for Travis to come home so we could go to Lagoon. We had 10+ minutes to wait and I started doodling with a pen on my hand. Hannah asked me to draw on her, without thinking about our conversation the previous day on Tattoos, I drew a heart on her arm. She quickly pulled her shirt down to cover it and said, "Don't worry Mom I will hide it from Jesus." I felt awful!! Leave it to a child to put you in your place.
On Labor Day we took a ride up to Logan to visit some of Travis's family. While we were driving the kids were fighting over a toy and we told them they needed to take turns. Parker who was trying to be the peacemaker told Hannah. "You can have it for 5 minutes & then I can have to for 5 minutes." to which Hannah replied, "No I want it for 5 minutes you pick your own number."


Jamie said…
Kids say the cutes things. It is always an adventure.
Nicole said…
That's way too cute! She cracks me up with how she is so spunky in her own way and says what she wants. I love the stories!
Emily said…
Looks like you guys have been having tons to fun! I love the tatoo comment, kids really do say the funniest things.Hope you are doing well.

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