Back to school

School started the end of August & Parker was so excited to be a 1st grader. Of course some of the things he was most excited for was eating lunch at school & getting 3 recesses.
Hannah & Parker posing for the back to school pics.
Hannah's not too happy in this pic.
Parker sitting in his desk on the 1st day.

His class learning where to line up each morning & at recess.

Parker has a great teacher this year. He relates well with the kids and is funny. The kids Love him. I'm excited for this year and all that he will be learning.

So far Parker has enjoyed school, but did tell me that he doesn't like that he can't watch TV in the day anymore. (such a hard life).


Tonya said…
Yeah! I am glad that you got the teacher that you wanted. Good luck with first grade!

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