Wedding Ring

In order to tell this story I have to give a summary of our week up until this point.

Monday: We got the house put back in order from our crazy weekend & went to the park and had a picnic with some friends.

Tuesday: We woke up early to go and get new brakes put on our car, then went and got the car registered, then I went out to lunch with some good friends of mine while the kids went to my mom's house to be watched by my sister Janae, and then that night I went to a YW activity at the church where we painted a flag for girls camp.

Wednesday: Woke up late, then decided to spend the afternoon at Lagoon with some friends. When we got home we were exhausted so we came down to our cool basement and watched TV until dinner time.

So Late Wednesday night around 10:30 pm I realize that I don't have my wedding ring on. I don't usually take my ring off unless it is to put lotion on my dry hands and then it is usually by my nightstand where the lotion is. So I search the house and can't find it anywhere. My first thought is maybe it fell off at Lagoon. So it's late and I'm tired so i say a prayer that I will find it and go to bed.

Thursday morning I wake up and think that I will try to call Lagoon and see if they have it in their lost and found. I try to call them but it's 9 am and no one is there answering, I start to get breakfast ready for my kids when I have the feeling that I need to go to the church to look for my ring. I thought that was a dumb idea cause I hadn't been there since Tuesday so I brushed it aside. Then the thought came back again and again, so I told the kids to get their shoes on and off to the church we went. We go into the room where I had YW and start looking, we search the floor, tables, both rooms I was in and find nothing. I was about to go check the bathroom when the thought came to check the garbage in that room. So I pulled out the mostly empty garbage can liner and started searching through paper towels, plates with dried paint, old sponge brushes and what do you know MY Wedding RING!!! Wow was I so excited. At this moment I think wow what an answer to prayer. The kids and I get down on our knees and say a prayer of Thanks.

Since yesterday I have been playing this situation over in my head and I just have to say how grateful I am for Prayer, and for the Holy Ghost that helped guide me. It still doesn't make sense as to why it was there, (I don't remember ever taking it off) & I would have never thought to look there on my own. There have been times in my life when I didn't listen to those thoughts or feelings, but I am so thankful that I did this time.


The Hoveys said…
I love these kind of stories! It reassures me that Heavenly Father truly hears and answers prayers! Thanks for sharing!!!
Lisa M said…
I love hearing inspiring experiences. Thanks so much for sharing.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for sharing-that is awesome!
Amy E. said…
I am so glad you shared this personal experience and testimony builder about prayer! I needed to read something like this today!

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