
Well the other night Travis and I were busy hanging blinds in our newly finished basement (finally) and the kids were in the same room as us watching TV. We turned around and this is what we saw....

I know the pictures aren't that great but Hannah had completely coated her hair with Vaseline. so much that her ponytail would stand straight up in the air. (she was crying and we couldn't get a good picture of that) I washed her hair 4 times with regular shampoo and still couldn't get it out. We then thought to use Dawn dish soap, that got a little bit more out so we put her to bed. When she woke up her hair was still so greasy, I looked on the internet for a way to get vaseline out of her hair and found out I needed to cover the greasy part of her hair (which was everything) with Corn Starch, then wash it again with Dawn dish soap. That helped alot but she still has extra shiny hair.
This was one of those moments as a parent where you think, should i get mad at her? or just snap a picture and make a memory? We chose the 2nd option.


Jennifer said…
Oh my gosh, that is so funny!! I wouldn't know what to do to get it out either. Thank goodness for the internet, huh??
Marleepatts said…
I am blog spying so I am now going to add you to my friends list so I can spy all the time.

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