Green Day!

So I know St. Patty's day was Monday, but this has been a crazy week.
I have always loved St. Patricks Day. We usually go all out with the green.
Here is a pic of our St. Patty's day dinner. Yes everything is dyed green. We had chicken & spinach alfredo on Pasta, with a spinach salad, garlic bread w/ green butter, green punch & green cake.

Parker & Hannah really enjoyed everything and thought it was fun to eat green food.

Travis thought the dinner looked disgusting, but he ate it anyways.

Here's Hannah all dressed in Green!! Parker was playing on Monday and scratched his nose. I told him he was fine & sent him back off the play while I was cooking dinner. He came into the kitchen looking like this. You gotta love the bandaid on his nose. I couldn't stop laughing he looked quite funny.


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