Welcome Baby Olivia

We would like to introduce you to:
Olivia Kristine Mackey
Born Friday August 3rd 2012 @ 2:09pm
7lbs 6oz. 20"

Just like with our last 3 kids we had a scheduled induction.  Because I have Group B Strep & because my labors aren't too long, We thought it best to be on the safe side & schedule things so I would know that I had enough antibiotics prior to giving birth.

We arrived at Davis Hospital at 6:00am on Friday morning.  By the time I was checked in & settled into a room with an IV in they started the antibiotics at 7:30am.
They started a low dose of Pitocin at 8:30am.
Dr. Boheen came in at 9:30am & broke my water.  At this point the process is going slow, which we wanted it to cause I needed another dose of antibiotics at 11:30.
At this point I am only dilated to a 3 & 70% effaced. but the contractions were starting to come on fast.
At 11:00 I get my epidural (hooray!  no more pain)

By 12:30 they check me & I am only dilated to a 4.  They upped the dose of pitocin & checked again at 1:30 & I was only a 7.   From there things moved pretty quick & Olivia was born & 2:09 pm after only 1 push.   
I have to say that this birth experience was probably the best one yet.  With each kid I have had a different Dr. & delivered at a different hospital.  The feeling in the delivery room was so calm &relaxed & my Dr. was wonderful.  

Here are the rest of the hospital pics!
 Parker meeting Olivia for the 1st time.
 Trevor meeting Olivia.
 Mommy & Olivia

 Hannah meeting Olivia.
 Our pretty girl.  (her hair looked Red when she was born,  We will see if that stays or not)

 Daddy & Olivia.

 I love this pic or Trevor giving Olivia kisses.
 We now have 4 kids!!
 Our Girls!
 Our Boys!
 All dressed up & ready to go home!

 Ready for our 1st car ride.

Parker loves to hold Olivia & is so big now that he has been a huge help!

Welcome to the world & into our Family Baby Olivia!!!


{M}PG said…
Congratulations Melinda! Awesome labor!! That makes it so nice :) You have an adorable family!
Ali said…
She is beautiful. Congrats!

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