So this post has taken me a long time to write. I never thought I was the kind of person that kept things inside, and didn't know how to express my feelings. Usually I confront things before they become an issue, but over the past 2 weeks I haven't known how to express my feelings on a particular situation. So since I think of the whole blogging thing as a form of Journal I thought no better way to get a few things off my mind. In November of 2007 I had a miscarriage, when I was 10 weeks pregnant. I didn't want anyone to know that I had a miscarriage so I just kept it inside. (I told family of course) Since then I have been unsuccessful in getting pregnant, so two weeks ago I finally went to talk to my Dr. When I was there he did the routine yearly exam and felt that I had a lump (Nodule) on my thyroid. He informed me that this could have been the cause of the miscarriage & why I haven't been able to get pregnant. He suggested that I go the hospital to have a ultr...
Hannah is such a good big sister. She loves to hold Olivia & play with her. One day she got really quiet & I went in to check on her & she had fallen asleep with Olivia on her. Tooo cute!! Olivia 3 months old! Trying to catch a smile on camera. So Cute!!! Trevor wanted a picture of him. Parker turned "10" in November. I can't believe we have a 10 year old. We love him so much!!! Here is a picture of his cake. I didn't get one of him blowing out the candles.
So I am getting really nervous for my surgery tomorrow. I haven't been sleeping very well this past week. Those that know me know that I am not a morning person & I love my sleep. Well I've been up since 5:30 this morning. So far I've changed my blog background 5-6 times and looked at anyone & everyone's blogs. I've looked at blogs of people that I don't even know. So I find out this afternoon what time my surgery will be. Now the key is to keep myself busy until tomorrow. I have a ton of things to do today so hopefully I will be successful at forgetting about being nervous. Well wish me luck! I'll update when I get home from the hospital, which could be as late as next Tuesday or Wednesday.