Scissor fun

You always hear stories about little girls getting a hold of a pair of scissors & cutting their own hair. I thought I was lucky cause Hannah is almost 6 years old & we had never had this experience. Until last Thursday night.
Hannah was downstairs playing & came upstairs crying to tell me she has broken her eyeglass holders.
I of course take one look at her & realize the reason they are broken is because she cut them along with a bunch of her hair. She was so upset and crying that I couldn't get mad. I had her take me down to where she had cut her hair.

Not very happy.

She had hid her hair in our computer garbage can that is full of mostly papers.

side view.
She was not too pleased with taking so many pics. She kept saying, "I made a really bad choice & I am so sorry, I will never do it again."

When I asked her why she cut her hair she said, "I wanted short hair."

I ended up taking her over to a hair school & getting her hair cut. It's shorter than she has ever had it, but she still is a cutie and I really think she won't do this again.


Tonya said…
Oh my goodness! Did you cry? Her hair is darling short though.

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