November Thanks!

Well I can't believe how fast the month of November just flew by. Even though the month is over I am still going to write down all the things that I am Thankful for.

(this is way out of order, but it's the way the pics loaded up. so here it goes)

11. I am Thankful for my younger brother Kevin. Kevin is the best brother in the world. Sometimes we don't have the same views on things, but I Love him so much. He is very caring & always looking for ways to help others. I am so thankful to have Kevin as my brother.

12. I am Thankful for Spending time with my family. I so enjoy going fun places & doing fun things with my husband and kids.

13. I am Thankful for my Dad. I think I have the best Dad in the world. He tends to be quiet, but I know that he loves me & that he is always there to help me. I know that he loves my mom. I am so thankful for my Dad.

14. I am Thankful for Trevor. Trevor is 4 1/2 months old now. At his 4 month checkup in November he weighed 15lbs 2 oz. (60th percentile) 26 1/2 inches long (95th percentile), and his head was 16.2 inches (25th percentile). He started rolling over on November 15th, he is a great sleeper at night & usually sleeps for 10+ hrs, & he is a very happy baby always smiling and laughing. He also is ALWAYS drooling. He usually has a bib on & it is changed multiple times a day. It's hard to imagine what our life was like before having Trevor & we all love him so much. I am so thankful to have Trevor.
15. I know I already said this one, but...
I am thankful for my Mom. She is my best friend and the one I admire so much. I liked this pic of the two of us, so I had to add her again.
I am Thankful for my Mom.
16. I have been blessed to be part of an amazing family. I am Thankful for my older sister Angelee. Angelee is a mother of 4, school secretary, dance/soccer mom, & is so much fun. She is hilarious, fun to be around & always makes me laugh. I don't see her very often now that she works full time, so I enjoy the time that I get to see her each month. I am so thankful to have Angelee as my Sister.
17. I am Thankful for my Grandma. I have the cutest Grandma in the whole world. She is very caring, & is always aware of everyone & their needs. I am so blessed to have her in my life & I need to make the effort to visit with her more often. I am so thankful for my Grandma.
18. I am Thankful for Travis. Travis is my best friend. He is a great provider for our family & works hard so that we can have the things that we have. He is a very funny person & keeps me laughing a lot. I enjoy the time we have together & am so thankful that I get to be with him for Eternity. I am so Thankful to have Travis.
19. I am Thankful for Parker. Parker turned 8 in November & is growing up. He is doing well in school & has just started scouts. (He earned his bobcat last night) He is the best Big Brother & is a good helper. I am so thankful to have Parker.
20. I am Thankful for Hannah. Hannah is going to be 6 in April & she is ALL girl. She loves clothes, dolls, barbies & telling Parker what to do. She is a great Big Sister to Trevor & is always helping. I am so thankful to have Hannah.
21. I am Thankful for Mucinex D.
This past week I have not felt well. I am so thankful for medicines that are available to help when we get sick.
I am thankful for Mucinex D.

22. I am Thankful for black Friday shopping.
Every year for at least the last 13 years I have gone shopping with my Mom & older sister the day after Thanksgiving. It has become one of my favorite days of the year. Not the waiting in lines & pushing & shoving that goes on, but the being together & laughing & having fun that comes along with it. The past few years my Dad has also come with us. We had so much fun & this year it started even earlier. We left for Walmart @ 10:15pm on Thanksgiving & were there until after 5:30am, then off to Shopko, JoAnn's (Fabric store), & Smith's Marketplace. By 10:00am we were WAY tired & went back to my mom & dad's for a nap & then headed into Salt Lake to shop at the Gateway. We ended our night around 10:00pm. We had so many laughs, & got all the stuff we wanted along the way.
I am so thankful for black Friday shopping.

23. I am Thankful to be learning how to Sew.
When my mother-in-law passed away a little over a year ago, I inherited a serger. I am not a sewer nor did I want to be one, so it sat in my basement for almost a year. I finally dusted it off & learned how to use it. I have made a few things. My car seat cover is my favorite & I have just cut out Christmas PJ's for my family that I will be sewing next week. It's such a great feeling to make something & look at the finished product & love it.
I am so thankful to be learning how to sew.

24. I am Thankful for good friends.
I have been blessed throughout my life to have good friends. I have kept in touch with old friends & made new friends throughout the years. I can't imagine my life without all of them. Some I talk with daily, some monthly, some yearly, some I haven't spoken to in years, but I know that each one of them have helped me to become the woman that I am today & for that...
I am so thankful for the good friends I have in my life.

25. I am Thankful for Washing Machines. I HATE laundry. I am so glad that I live in a day & time when we have machines right in our homes that wash our clothes & for that matter our dishes too.
I am thankful for Washing Machines.

26. I am Thankful for flat irons.
I have FRIZZY hair. I am so thankful for flat irons & that I can actually make my hair look decent by using it each day.
I am thankful for flat irons.

27. I am Thankful for Chocolate.
I love chocolate. I could eat it in any form. Ice cream, brownies, candy, or cake. It's all good (except for dark chocolate, not my fav). Some days it is needed to just make it through.
I am Thankful for Chocolate.

28. I am Thankful for my Faith.
I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I am so thankful for the knowledge I have of this gospel. I am thankful for the importance of families. I am thankful for my savior & for the perfect example he has given us. I know that I am far from perfect & I'm thankful for the chance I have to be forgiven & start each day as a fresh start. I know that all of my blessings come from a loving Heavenly Father & I know that he is there to listen & guide me when I need help.
I am thankful for my faith.

29. I am Thankful for Water.
Water & I have a love/hate relationship. One day I love it, the next I hate it. But I'm thankful that I have it readily available to me in my home. I can't imagine life without it. (just writing this makes me realize how much I take for granted all that I have been blessed with.
I am thankful for water.

30. I am Thankful for my younger sister Janae.
Janae is a busy girl. She is a hair stylist in a high end salon & does an amazing job. She is very creative & also fun to be with. We recently started "Sewing Tuesday" each week. It has been so fun to see her & spend time with her each week.
I am so thankful to have Janae as my sister.

(for some reason blogger would NOT let me move these pics around, so I didn't mean for Janae to be last)

I am so Thankful for the chance I've had to think of all the things I have been blessed with. I know that some of these things might seem small, or meaningless but each one has made me who I am today. This has also made me realize that I take a few of these things for granted & assume that they will always be there (friends, grandma, family to name a few). I am taking this time now to commit to being better at showing those people my gratitude for them.
I truly have much to be thankful for.


Anonymous said…
I love this post! It helped me think of everything I have to be thankful for. You are so cute! Also, I want to sew with you! I'm asking for a sewing machine for Christmas. I love sewing new things, but haven't been able to for awhile. I hope to get back in to it when I have my own machine! :)

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