Christmas 2010

Well since the year is less than 1/2 a day from being over I thought I'd post about our Christmas.
We had such a fun Christmas this year & here are a few pics to show our Christmas morning fun!!
The presents all around the tree on Christmas Eve.

Parker woke up at 5 am & we told him he had to wait till at least 6:00. This pic proves that we were all (even Trevor) out of bed & down stairs a little after 6:0am.
(the rest of the pics are all out of order, but oh well)

Hannah showing off her Legos. (that's Parker's Bumble bee pillow pet in the background)
Travis & Trevor trying out Trevor's new pillow pet after opening all the presents.
I LOVE our Nativity Set.
Parker showing off his Star wars legos.
Me asleep after all the opening of presents. (we were way TIRED!!)
Look at how cute & Happy this little guy is. We love him!!
The whole family in our matching Christmas pj's that I made.

Another cute family pic.
Hannah showing off her Big Time Rush Cd. (she also got a new CD player since her old one no longer plays Cd's.)
Parker showing his Star wars legos & reading lamp.
Hannah with her Unicorn Pillow pet.
Trevor with his puppy pillow pet.
Parker so excited to open presents!!
Waiting to open all their presents.
All 3 kids in their Christmas pj's. So cute!!
We truly had a fun Christmas!!!


Anonymous said…
I love the pj's that you made! Did you make everyone's stocking's too? I want to make us new socks next year. Looks like you had a great Christmas!

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