
This past Wednesday was a very CRAZY day at the Mackey house. To start the day off I went to volunteer at the school in Parker's classroom (which I do every Wednesday) from 9:00-10:00am. I left a little early so that I could be home since I was hosting a meeting at my house at 10:00. So I have a house full of 10 ladies and several of their children so I turned my cell phone to silent so that I wouldn't be distracted. around 10:45 my home phone rang & I ignored it cause it's usually a solicitor on the other end of the phone. I'm enjoying my time with these awesome ladies & have totally forgotten that my cell was on silent. A little before 11:00am my home phone rings again & this time I answered it. Travis was on the phone & said, "what are you doing?" "I'm having a meeting you remember." He then says, "the school called & Parker is in the office and you need to go over there. He fell off the monkey bars and might have broken his arm." All of a sudden I think why didn't they call me, oh yeah I ignored the call earlier. then I pick up my cell phone 4 missed calls. AAAGGGGGHHH. I start to panic. I have a house full of people & I'm in the middle of feeding Trevor. I hand Trevor off to one of the women & head to the school. When I get there Parker is back in the nurses room & he is moaning & crying. I asked him what had happened & he told me the bell had just rang to go line up after recess & he was going across the monkey bars. He was trying to skip a bar and missed & landed right on his arm. OUCH!!!

The cute secretary had made a temporary splint for his arm. I look at his arm & yep it looked awful. I get Parker & we head home. I'm still in panic mode & I don't know what to do so I call the Dr's office get an appointment at 12:30. I take Parker inside, get him comfortable & wrap up the meeting & I'm still panicking. When we get to the Dr's his arm looks less swollen & me being a cheap-o thinks, it's probably nothing. We go in to get an x-ray. The tech calls me over to show me the x-ray and says. This doesn't look good & you will need to head up to the hospital.

Now I'm really panicking. I call my mom who heads over to my house to watch Trevor. I then head to the Hospital in Ogden, where my Dr has set up an appt. with an orthopedic surgeon. When we get there we go up to his office & he looks at the x-ray & and then tells me that we will need to go down to the ER & they are going to have to sedate Parker so that they can push the bones back together. We get situated in the ER & Parker does not like the process of getting an IV so he is screaming & I want to cry right along with him. We turn the TV on & the waiting begins. The ER Dr comes in & tells us we'll have to wait until 4:00pm to do the procedure. So we have about an hour to wait.
Parker waiting for the procedure!!

A little past 4pm everyone comes in (there was like 8-9 people surrounding his bed) & they give Parker some medicine to make him sleepy. The whole procedure lasted less then 15 minutes & I got to watch the whole thing. It was a little gross hearing the bones get set back into place & scary to think poor Parker had to go through all of this.We finally got home around 7:00pm & we were both tired & exhausted from our day.

So far he is doing really well. Neither Travis or I have ever broken a bone so we have no clue what it feels like. But he is a trooper. I let him stay home from school Thursday & He insisted on going on Friday & did OK. The bad thing is that it's his left arm that is broken & he is left handed. So he is having to learn to write with his right hand.

We go back to the orthopedic surgeon this Wednesday to get the hard cast & then we will find out how long it will be on for. Hopefully not too long as Parker is supposed to get baptised the 1st Saturday in December.

Hannah told me yesterday that she will not try the monkey bars until she is sixteen so that she won't break her arm. (too funny!!!!)


Tonya said…
Hokey Smokes! What a fun day you had! Sorry that sounds awful. I know what you mean about crying with your children when with a doctor. I have done it more than once. The doctors have sometimes had more concern for me than the child.

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