Spring Break

It was Spring Break for us this week & we started off the week with 5 inches of SNOW. I was so glad that the weather warmed up & we were able to get out of the house & play.
On Thursday we went and bought $1 kites and went to the park to play.
Here's both of the kids flying their kites.
Hannah's kite kept falling down & she was not liking that. Finally we got it up to stay.
Concentrating on the kite.

Hannah's Ariel Kite.

Bringing the kite back in.
Parker was having a blast. He ran around the entire Park with his kite at maximum height. He was loving it.
I love this kid so much!!
Parker's Transformer kite.
Bringing in the kite.
Hannah & Parker with their kites.

We then went over to the playground and had fun.
Parker on the monkey bars.
Hannah posing for the camera.
My little Princess on the slide.
Parker trying to be funny.
We had lots of fun & this makes us so excited for warmer weather.


Jamie said…
We got the same kites of Amber and Sydnee. They had a blast flying them.

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