Baby #3

I have already posted these on facebook, but I wanted them to be on my blog also. I had an ultrasound last Tuesday April 13th. I was 25 weeks 5 days, but was measuring over 27 weeks. Hopefully that means I will get to be induced earlier. Everything checked out well.
I loved these ultrasound pics and wanted to post them here for memory sake. It's amazing how technology has changed since I had a baby last.

We are all getting so excited for July to get here. This little guys is moving all the time and keeping me from getting much sleep. I can't wait to be able to sleep on my stomach again.

My due date is officially July 22nd, but I would love to have him on the 17th.
Parker was born Nov 15th, Hannah April 16th, wouldn't it be cool to have a 17th??
I'll have to talk to my Doc about that soon.


The Hoveys said…
I'm sure Jed will let you have the baby five days early. He told me I could go up to a week early if I wanted to! I can't believe how much the little one looks like Parker!!! Oh, thanks so much for helping me out in my primary class on Sunday. I really appreciated it!
Jamielou said…
Those pictures are awesome, It really is amazing how much detail you can see.
Emily said…
Congrats! #3 put me in a tail spin for some reason so good luck. Let me know if you would be interested in some pics.
Tonya said…
Awesome pictures! I guess you won't want to do the drive in on July 16 then!

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