Christmas catch up
Well I really have been meaning to update my blog with our all of our December & Christmas happenings so here is goes..
In Mid December Hannah had a mini-dance recital. I video recorded the whole thing & only took a few pics but She did such a good job & has really enjoyed dance & all her friends there.
The whole gang!
Amber (Hannah's bff) & Hannah.
So on to our Christmas festivities. Christmas at our house was tons of fun. Here is The letter that Parker wrote to Santa. Kind of hard to read but I wanted to keep a copy of it.
Here's what our Tree & Present loot looked like before the kids woke up.
Christmas Eve we all got new PJ's & also kept our tradition of getting Chinese take-out for dinner. The kids did not want to go to bed & kept stalling. They finally were asleep around 11:30pm. We thought for sure they would be up first thing in the morning to open presents, but Travis & I woke up around 8:00am & they were still asleep. By 8:30 I couldn't stand it anymore and I snuck in there rooms & tried to wake then up & then ran back to my room to pretend I was still sleeping. We were all up about 5 minutes later.
Travis had the camera so he kept taking pics of me (as you can tell I wasn't loving it.) But this pic does show off my new knife set I got for Christmas.
Travis & Parker playing with the loot.
All in all it was a great Christmas & we were very blessed this year.