Christmas catch up

Well I really have been meaning to update my blog with our all of our December & Christmas happenings so here is goes..
In Mid December Hannah had a mini-dance recital. I video recorded the whole thing & only took a few pics but She did such a good job & has really enjoyed dance & all her friends there.
The whole gang!
Amber (Hannah's bff) & Hannah.
So on to our Christmas festivities. Christmas at our house was tons of fun. Here is The letter that Parker wrote to Santa. Kind of hard to read but I wanted to keep a copy of it.
Here's what our Tree & Present loot looked like before the kids woke up.
Christmas Eve we all got new PJ's & also kept our tradition of getting Chinese take-out for dinner. The kids did not want to go to bed & kept stalling. They finally were asleep around 11:30pm. We thought for sure they would be up first thing in the morning to open presents, but Travis & I woke up around 8:00am & they were still asleep. By 8:30 I couldn't stand it anymore and I snuck in there rooms & tried to wake then up & then ran back to my room to pretend I was still sleeping. We were all up about 5 minutes later.
Parker's Favorite gift was his Lego Indiana Jones.
Hannah's favorite was her Barbie Bike.
More present pics!
Christmas day Hugs!! So Cute!!

Travis had the camera so he kept taking pics of me (as you can tell I wasn't loving it.) But this pic does show off my new knife set I got for Christmas.

Travis & Parker playing with the loot.
All in all it was a great Christmas & we were very blessed this year.


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