
Well with this month being a crazy month and also being our 10th Wedding anniversary, Travis and I decided that we need to take a much needed family vacation in June. I am so excited to say that we are taking our first trip to Disneyland. We are so excited. We have not told the kids yet as we want it to be a surprise at least up until the week before (if possible.) Travis and the kids have never been, & I have only been 1 time when I was 18 & don't really remember much. It's gonna be like going for the 1st time all over again. My mom & Dad are also coming along for all the fun. Anyways, this month is going to be crazy with Lagoon & everything but now we have something to look forward to.


Misty Anderson said…
Yay! Have so much fun! We just got back from there it was a blast. I love seeing people go for the first time it is just that much more exciting! Your kids are a perfect age!!
Marleepatts said…
You suck I am so jealous-I hope you have fun!
Jamie said…
I am so excited for you and your family, you are going to have a blast.
Tonya said…
Seriously, a countdown for Disney? And you think your kids would drive you crazy asking when you would be able to go to Disneyland? I think you must be even more excited. I love it.

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