I'm back (Again)

Well it's been almost 6 months since I last posted anything.  Wow how time flies and things change.

I just thought I'd take a minute to post an update in case anyone is even checking this blog anymore.

School is over for the year, which means that Hannah is done with 1st grade & Parker is done with 3rd grade.  They both did really well in school this year.  Parker did well enough on his end of level testing that he was awarded a medal with 2 stars showing significant improvement over last year.  We are so proud of both of them.  Trevor has kept us all busy these past 6 months.  He has sure grown up to be quite the little toddler.  He is talking WAY more than our other kids did at this age.  His vocabulary & memory surprise us daily.  He is so much fun.  In other news We are expecting Baby Girl Mackey in less than 8 weeks.  This was a TOTAL surprise and shock to us.  We have come to terms with having another child and are getting excited for August to get here so we can meet her.  After this one the Mackey Baby making factory will be Closed down for business.  

Travis was just released from being the 2nd counselor in our Bishopric & was just called to be the 2nd counselor in our Young Men's presidency.  He has enjoyed his new calling & we have all enjoyed having him sit with us on Sundays again.  

I am just hanging out (indoors) these days.  It is getting hotter and I am feeling more pregnant each day.  August seems FOREVER away.  I did work at Lagoon again this year (5th year in a row)  for 9 days in May.  We have only used our season passes 1 time so far, but hope to use them many more times this summer.

Here are some fun pics from the last little while:
Hannah & Parker just participated in radKIDS self defense classes.  They both had so much fun.  This is them with the police officer (wearing all the padding) on the last day.  
They got to put their new skills to use & attack him back.  It was a cool program!

We went up to Boise the 1st weekend in June for our nephews Baptism here are a few from our travels and the hotel we stayed at.
 Hannah, Parker, Mom & Trevor in Twin Falls. June 2012
 Hannah, Parker, Dad & Trevor in Twin Falls June 2012

 Parker, Trevor & Hannah sharing a bed.
 Trevor & Hannah
 Trevor & Parker
 Hannah lost her 2 front teeth over Memorial Day weekend.  (I actually pulled both of them out)  They were loose from a fall that happened at school a few months back. She looks so cute all toothless.
 Trevor with his sunglasses.
 Parker.  (I love this kid!!)
 Parker, Trevor & Hannah with Elmo & Zoey.
 Back in April we went down to see the opening of City Creek center.  The kids favorite part was the cool bridge over Main Street.
Hannah won a bike at school in January. 
 Parker, Hannah & Madison with Hannah's new bike.
Parker & Hannah singing in Choir at school.  Parker is on the top row to the left & Hannah is on the 2nd row middle.

Well that is all for now.  I really do want to start blogging again.  I think it will help be take more pictures.  
I love reading other peoples blogs and keeping up on their families so I really need to get better at this.


Ali said…
I always love to read your updates on your cute family. Can't wait to see your new little one! Hope things continue to go well for you!
Tonya said…
Wow! I say Wow! Look at those cute Mackey children! I love them. They look so big. I think about you all the time and pray things are going well for you during these last 8 weeks!!!
Alli said…
Cute kids! I love when you blog. :D I can't wait til the new little one comes...and mine is only a month behind!

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