Welcome to the age of technology!!

Well we have finally decided to enter the world of technology. So here goes nothing!!

Our family is keeping busy here in Layton.
Travis is still working for Fidelity Investments in Salt Lake City. He is working in the training department and helping people who are studing for the series 7 & 63 exams. He enjoys his job there alot. He is also serving in the High Priest Group leadership.
Melinda keeps busy at home with the two kids. She is also serving as the Young Womens President in our ward, which is a fun & hard calling. Melinda has also become the coupon queen, she loves all the deals she can get and loves to show off all the free items she is getting each week.

Parker just turned 5 in November and is in his last year of Preschool and is just growing up so fast. The other day he said, "Mom, I'm getting old, look at my hands." He loves school and anything SuperHero. He loves to sing and is often found rockin out with his new mp3 player. (Credence Clearwater Revival is his favorite band.)

Hannah will be turning 3 in April and she is such a princess. She loves anything that we say is a girl toy. She keeps Melinda busy while Parker is at school. Hannah loves to go shopping and help mom with the coupons. She's still trying to get the whole potty training thing down, Mom will be excited for no more diapers!

The newest addition to our family is our puppy Dewey. He was given to us on Dec. 26th, 07. and has just fit right into our family. He's finally got the potty training thing down (kind of) and so Melinda is liking him more.

Well this is the first of hopefully many posts. We'd love to hear from all of you!


Jennifer said…
YEAH!! I'm glad you've decided to join the rest of us "bloggers". I feel like I haven't seen you forever, so at least this way we can see what each other has been up to.
Unknown said…
I totally need to hook you up with my friend who just moved to Layton and is a coupon freak also, I am sure you would have lots in common!! Nice blog, I can't believe your kids are so big. We'll talk to you soon.
Texas Birds said…
I was just thinking about you the other day and wondering what you were up too. I am glad that you gave into the blogging thing because now I'm not the only one who gave into peer pressure. You kids are huge!!!! Has it really been that long since we've seen you? Well keep blogging so we can keep updated.

P.S. Nice choice in dogs, they're a great breed. We sure love ours!!!

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