2 months already!!
Well this post is about a week overdue, but I wanted to document it anyway.
We went to Trevor's 2month check up on Sept 17th & he is a big boy
Weight: 12lbs 11oz. (90th percentile)
Height: 23.5 inches (90th percentile)
Head size: can't remember the inches (50th percentile).. This is odd for me my other 2 kids had large heads & were always in the 95th percentile.
He is a great baby & I have no complaints. He sleeps very well in fact will sleep from 9pm-about 7am each night. We realize that we are very lucky & we are also very grateful to have him in our family & can't imagine it any other way.
Having 3 kids I have always been told would be difficult. I thought that since I have a 5 year gap that it would be easier. True it's easier in the fact that I don't have other toddlers all wanting my attention, but It's hard in the sense that I have older kids who are involved in older activities & juggling taking them to soccer games/practices & fitting in feeding times & naps, has been an adjustment.

We are so thankful to have Trevor in our family & love him very much.